7th Class Review: Unpredictable Meeting

7th Class Review 
Unpredictable Meeting

(Author: Fatimah)

            Senin, 17 maret 2014. Kembali bertemu dengan mata kuliah Academic Writing yang ke tujuh kalinya. Pertumuan kali ini sangat membekas bagi saya pribadi karena teguran yang sangat mengejutkan saya. Seperti disambar petir di pagi hari yang ranum. Perasaan bercampur ketika kata- kata itu ditujukan pada saya “are you OK Fatimah?” saya terdiam dn bigngung lalu segera menjawab bahwa saya benar - benar baik seperti biasanya. Tapi kenapa teguran itu ditujukan kepada saya. pertanyaan terus menerus berputar dalam hati dan otak. Saya bisa mengikuti mata kuliah ini dalam hati saya, yakin.

            Berikutnya tugas yang harus diselesaikan adalah Critical Review yang ketiga yang sebelumya kami salah gerbang. Bukan Critical Review yang kami buat malah Free Writing tentang Howard Zinn. Sehingga kami harus memutar haluan 180 derajat dan merevisi bahkan mengubah tugas lama yang salah agar menjadi benar atau setidaknya sesuai dengan yang di inginkan Mr. Lala. Dengan pola- pola yang sudah di tentukan oleh Mr. Lala.
            Salah satu tugas utama penulis adalah untuk mengungkapkan kemungkinan- kemungkinan pemahaman baru. Menjalankan bentuk- bentuk baru dari pemahama seperti dengan kata meniru kemudian dengan kita meniru kita bisa menemukan lalu dengan menemukan tersebut kita implementasikan dengan menciptakan atau membuat sesuatu yang baru. Menulis adalah masalah menciptakan affordance dan eksplorasi potensi makna. Lal menulis juga merupakan sebuah semogenitas : memahami, memaknai. 
            Thesis statement merupakan tahapan paling penting untuk membuat dialog awal dengan pembaca yang diharapkan thesis statement dalam sebuah essay merupakan mind idea. Salah satu komentar dari Milan Kundera (L ‘Art’ Duramon, 1986) untuk penulis berarti untuk penyair untuk menghancurkan dinding atau membuat tembok yang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Dala hal in tugas penulis atau penyair tidak berbeda dai karya satra sejarah yang juga menemukan dan menciptakan.
            Kekuatan sorang penulis adalah keuletan dan pantang menyerah. Karene seperti yang telah disampaikan oleh Milan Kundera bahwa penulis harus mampu menguak menguak kebenaran yang tersembunyi atau di sembunyikan di balik tembok. Jika tidak ulet ketika kebenaran di balik tembok belum terpecahkan pasti akan down semangat kita sebagai penulis yang seharusnya dapat menguak kebenaran.
            Sebuah penulisan sejarah atau menulis sejarah mempunyai kesamaan dengan linguistik, yakni sama-sama memahami sebuah nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya. Hal ini menjadi catatan penting sebab betapapun arti sebuah nilai tidak mungkin dihilangkan dalam hal apapun. Efek dan maknanya begitu krusial sehingga wajib dipahami.
            Memahami nilai dapat dengan berbagai cara, seperti membaca , mendengarkan, merupakan langkah yang baik. Mengenai “Creating affordances: to inspiring people”(Lehtonen). Penulis dalam klasifikasi baik adalah ia yang mampu memberi “in-come” yang baik dan jelas.
            Berikut adalah suplemen tambahan mengenai cara menulis critical review saya ambil dari e-book yang berjudul Helpsheet Critical review:
            Wrting  Critical review in 10 steps
Step 1
Skim the article you have to review to gain a general idea of what it is about. This process should take you about five minutes or less.

Step 2
Discuss the article with someone else. Write down general ideas or themes. Discussing the article may clarify your understanding and trigger some initial ideas.

Step 3
Read it again. This time, highlight sections which seem important, or better still, take notes of the important details. (The important things are the subject/s of the article, the conclusion/s of the writer and the arguments and/or data that the writer provides in order to reach his or her conclusion/s.)
Now check your notes with someone else. Note differences and similarities in the points you have written down. If there are major differences, go back and check the article.

Step 4
Check the main points with the article once more. Make sure your notes ‘agree’ with the points raised by the writer. (You should be able to point to evidence from the text to confirm that your notes are accurate.) Write out a quick “flow” diagram of the article which covers the main points of each paragraph. The point of the diagram should be to show the relationships between the main points in the article.

Step 5
Have a long, hard think about the article. Put the article aside and just think about what you have read. Good critical review writing does not take five minutes. It requires careful and clear thinking.
Step 6
Read your notes again and look at the diagram you have made. Can you think of any criticisms that you have about the article? (These may include questions, disagreements, doubts, etc.) You are not criticising the author here, just the points he or she has raised. These criticisms could relate to the:
         theoretical claims
         case method
         statistical support
         use of other writers’ arguments, etc
Now, can you think of anything you agree with in the article? Perhaps you can think of a further application of one of the writer’s ideas, for example. Any strong response that you have to the article is generally useful. When you have finished, check your criticisms and agreements with those of another person.

Step 7
Now begin to write your introduction to the review. This should be about 10% of the total review. It should be short and should be largely in your own words. (Use the helpsheet Language for Citing to help you.) You will need to include in the introduction:
         a general overview of the article
         an overview of your review (your approach to the article)
         an anticipation of your conclusion (what will you say about the major ideas expressed in the article).
·         In introducing the article, you should also mention:
         the author’s name
         the title of the article
You should also reference the article using a conventional referencing system (a complete reference list should be included at the end of your review).
Below is a guide only; details have been left out
Compare your version with the version of another person. It should be similar in structure but not in the details. Everyone’s review should be slightly different.
In this paper, I will discuss Pierre Ryckmans’ article ‘On the University’ (give reference). Ryckmans’ article is about (say what it is about ). In particular, he argues that (give a list of the main points). After summarising Ryckmans’ main points, I shall be claiming that (give a general overview of your main criticisms—don’t give any details here). In concluding, I shall show that (give a quick outline of your conclusion about the subject.)

Step 8
Now you need to write the body of the review. This must consist of summary and criticism sections in roughly equal proportions. The body could be written in either of these forms:
The important thing is that you balance your criticisms with an adequate summary of the author’s work.

Step 9
After you have written the body of the review, you need to write the conclusion. This should be about 10% of the review and should include a brief recap of the main points raised in the review, noting specifically where you have agreed and disagreed with the writer. The conclusion might also give your suggestions for further research work, or the contexts in which the work you have reviewed can be used.

Step 10
Leave your critique on your desk for a week or two before looking at it again. Carefully edit and proofread it before submitting it. (See helpsheet: Editing and Proofreading.)
(Helpsheet CRITICAL REVIEW:2010)


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