3rd Critical Review

Notched Right Arrow: INTRODUCTION“ The Truth as Course life of Howard Zinn”

The truth to power with the book who has strong effect of life like one of Howard Zinn’s  the title”Speaking Truth to Power with Book” in that book write down that it is has strong effect of life because it is can changed mindset’s the people for more be critical thinking to anything was became. However, in other hand the existence of book did not appropriate with the reality that is there is removal and butchering information who can effection to revolution in people’s thinking. That case is proven like who write in the book the title”Speaking Truth to Power with Book” in the book saw that some people felt annoyed to the content of book, especially in the first chapter  of Howard Zinn’s book about Columbus.

Critical Review

Name              : Endang Siti Nurkholidah
NIM                : 14121310285
Class               : PBI A/4
(Author: Endang Siti Nurkholidah)
1.      Introduction
Howard Zinn.  He was American historian who has written a brilliant idea and moving history of the American people from the different point of view. He has many talents that he did, because not only historian, but also he is author, playwright and social activist. He was politican science professor of Boston University. From 1956 through 1963, Zinn chaired the Department of History and social sciences in Spelman College. He participated in the Civil Rights Movement and lobbied with historian August Meier "to end the practice of the Southern Historical Association of holding meetings at segregated hotels". Zinn wrote more than 20 books. Yes of course all of his books is very excellent and seldom have quotations so effectively used. He always tells an important part of the truth.
Zinn was known for his history of America through the perspective of “those outside of the political and economic establishment,” A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present (1980, revised 1995). “A People's History of the United States”, the book was publishing in 1980 and only sold four thousand copies, now has sold out almost two million copies and was reprinting five times.
Interestingly, in the Zinn’s book bravery to reveal the dark side of the new continent's history and commitment to the definition of the subaltern in Spivak: they are marginalized in the politics of narrating history. Shooting targets do not bear the responsibility: Christopher Columbus and the historians who write naive version of the arrival of the colonists. These include Harvard historian Samuel Elliot Morison.
Now, this paper offers a critical insight on howard Zinn’s article “Speaking Truth to Power with Books. Zinn, known after create his book which the contents that peeling the fact of historical Colombus who found American continent in this article, he always has a brilliant ideas who can influence the reader. He is the brave man who always criticizes the truth including Zinn wrote many kinds of books who can change our mind as a reader. Including in “Speaking Truth to Power with Book” who tells about Christoper Colombus.

Lagi, Sejarah dan yang Lainnya (Class Review-7)

Lagi, Sejarah dan yang Lainnya
Since history is endless process of human creation. Saya akan memulai dari titik ini. Masyarakat dan sejarahnya merupakan proses yang komlpleks dan multi-dimensi. Dan apabila bagian sejarah ingin masuk akal dan nyata, maka kita kan membutuhkan berbagai konsep. Akal manusia yang selama berabad-abad telah dipupuk oleh berbagai kenyataan, telah berkembang berbagai konsep untuk menjelaskan proses sejarah dunia.
Seperti kata Fowler (1996: 10) “Like the historian critical linguist aims to understand the values which underpin social, economic, and political formations, and diachronically, changes in values and changes in formations.”

class review

(Author: Endang Siti Nurkholidah)

To write means for the poet
 to crush the wall
Behind which something that was always there Hides
--Milan Kundera--

Itulah pembukaan class review kali ini yang dibuka oleh quotes miliknya Milan Kundera. Sebagai penulis yang handal, kita harus bisa mendobrak dinding yang tebal dengan power yang luar biasa. Hal ini diibaratkan seorang penulis yang harus mendobrak semua hal yang ia punya untuk menjadi penulis yang benar-benar handal.
Menjadi seorang penulis memang tidak gampang, karena untuk menjadi seorang penulis kita dituntut untuk mempunyai nutrisi ilmu yang banyak dan nutrisi itu perlu kita gali lewat buku. Banyak orang yang menyerah ketika dituntut untuk menulis sebuah karya tulis. Memang sulit membudayakan menulis, apalagi membudayakan membaca! Tetapi sebenarnya antara membaca dan menulis tidak bisa dipisahkan, alias sama-sama saling melengkapi.

Enlightenment: Meaning Behind All The Signs (Class Review-6)

Enlightenment: Meaning Behind All The Signs
Inilah kali ke-enam pertemuan kita di kelas writing. Bukan tanpa kesengajaan kita masih diberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti alur perjalanan kita di semester ini. Senin, 10 Maret 2014 telah tercantum di sekenarion Tuhan tentang agend kita hingga mencapai pertemuan ke-enam ini. Sudah cukup banyak saya membaca tentang Howard Zinn dan Columbus, berbagai teks sudah say abaca dari mulai yang berbahasa Indonesia sampai yang berbahasa Inggris. Merasa tercerahkan kah? “Of course” serempak otak saya dan kerabat-kerabatnya teriak demikian. Tak hanya itu, otak saya pun terasa lebih berisi dari sebelumnya, karenanya saya mengetahui hal-hal yang jarang dibicarakan oleh khalayak dari jenis umuran kita. Dan inilah yang perlu di-highlight, bahwa obrolan sehari-hari sesame teman pun terasa lebih berbau akademik. Obrolan-obrolan ghibah sedikit demi sedikit terkikis oleh hikmah dari akademik writing ini.

Class Review 7

The Crucial One
(By: Iiz Lailatus Saidah)

Senin yang bertepatan dengan tanggal 17 maret 2014, kembali bersua dengan Mr.Lala dalam mata kuliah writing 4. Tak terasa pagi itu sudah beranjak ke pertemuan yang ketujuh, dan tak terasa senin depan adalah hari dimana sudah harus mengumpulkan progress tes yang kedua. Yang membuat kita harus lebih focus lagi adalah dalam progress tes yang kedua ini sudah  menggunakan bahasa inggris, kita harus benar-benar extra dalam mengrjakannya.

3rd Critical Review

Howard Zinn: The Historian Who Changed the History
(BY: Iiz Lailatus Saidah)

This critical review intended to respond Howard Zinn’s article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”. Howard Zinn was an American Historian.  Zinn was born in New York, August 22, 1922. His parents were Jewish immigrants. On January 20, 2010 he died because of a heart attack were attacked while swimming. He leaved a wife and a big name from a legendary book that he wrote; it is “A People's History of the United States”. Bitterness experience when a war that caused it to write a history of the phenomenal work, Zinn wrote the article from the point of view that losers.

Class Review 7

Pemberhentian ke-7; Another Mistake

Senin, 17 Maret 2014…


Class Review 7

The Deepest of Critical Review
Written by Ida Fauziyah

Senin pagi kembali menyapa. Berarti kami kembali menyapa Writing 4 untuk ke tujuh kalinya. Tepat, senin pagi itu merupakan pertemuan ketujuh kami dengan Mr. Lala di kelas Writing 4. Hari itu, kami membahas banyak hal serta melakukan peer review tentang critical review kami yang ketiga.

3rd Critical Review

Incomplete History: Howard Zinn
Written by Ida Fauziyah

“History is always written by the winners”.
-Dan Brown-
“A history is not only written by the people who win but also history  can be written by the people who lose.”
-Howard Zinn-

This paper offers a critical perspective on Howard Zinn’s article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”. It is like Samuel Elliot Morison’s book that was criticized by Howard Zinn. It is actually what I do to Howard Zinn’s book especially his article.

Class Review 7: "Fondasi Penting Linguistik"

The 07th Class Review/Monday, on 17th March 2014
"Fondasi Penting Linguistik"
(By: Dhika Irhamullah Yusuf)
Pada tanggal 17 maret 2014, adalah pertemuan ketujuh dalam mata kuliah writing 04 bersama Mr. Lala Bumela disemester 04 ini. Saya semangat untuk yang ketiga kalinya diajar lagi oleh Mr. Lala Bumela. Lalu, setelah itu Mr. Lala Bumela datang pada pukul 09.10 AM diruang 44 lantai 3, digedung bahasa inggris. Kemudian, Mr. Lala Bumela memberikan sebuah materi kepada kelas kami yaitu materinya adalah "Fondasi Penting Linguistik" atau yang artinya adalah fondasi penting ilmu bahasa.

7th Class Review: Fakta & Makna, Itulah Sejarah

Fakta & Makna, Itulah Sejarah
Author: Aneu Fuji Lestarie
Menulis bukanlah kegiatan yang hanya menciptakan sumber, tetapi menulis adalah penciptaan sumber daya.  Tugas utama seorang penulis adalah menciptakan kebermaknaan suatu tulisan karena ‘writing is semogenesis’ yang artinya banyaknya tulisan akan terasa sia-sia jika tidak ada pemaknaan atau pemahaman dari tulisan tersebut.  Maka sebuah pemaknaan dalam menulis sangatlah penting.  Kebermaknaan itu bisa dilihat dari tesis statement, karena dalam tulisan thesis statement adalah hal yang paling crucial untuk membuat pemahaman pertama muncul pada seorang pembaca.  Seperti halnya dengan sejarah yang harus kita pahami dan ketahui.

3rd Critical Review: Howard Zinn, Opened the Falseness of History

3rd Critical Review 

 Howard Zinn, Opened the Falseness of History

(By: Dewi Patah Andi Putri)

This paper discuss about a critical on Howard Zinn’s article that entitle “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”.  Howard zinn is best known for writing A People’s History of the United States (1980).  Also Howard zinn is writer of article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”.  A writing can give power of history truth, but the truth of story can manipulated.  As a content of article entitle speaking truth to power with books.  In this article, Howard Zinn talked about truth which expressed of the United States which has misinterpret, as some people know that Colombus is hero for United States but beside that there are awkwardness which yet people’s know.  In the article, Howard zinn begins of explain between book and writing is cannot separates. 

7th Class Review: Menggali Makna dibalik Tembok

7th Class Review
Menggali Makna dibalik Tembok

(by: Dewi Patah Andi Putri)
Senin, 17 maret 2014 merupakan pertemuan ke tujuh dalam writing & composition 4.   Ini merupakan pertemukan ke 7 kami.  Pertama saya akan mengupas tentang thesis statement.  Thesis statement yaitu gagasan utama.  Untuk dapat meyakinkan seseorang pembaca terhadap sudut  pandang yaitu dengan menggunakan  bentuk dari bujukan atau sering disebut academic argument. 

Class Review 7

Mengukir Tulisan Lewat Critical Review
By : Ade Puadah
Sudah ke tujuh kalinya, pertemuan demi pertemuan aku lewatkan. Banyak sekali sejarah yang telah kuciptakan di ranah Writing 4 ini. Tapi, imajinasi-imajinasi histori tidak pernah mengalir terlalu jauh dalam diriku, bahkan dalam mimpiku. Terlalu sulit untuk memahami sejarah meskipun ia berperan sangat penting dalam diri manusia. Apalagi sebagai seorang penulis, sejarah perlu diungkap kebenarannya. Penulis apapun sama, baik penyair maupun sejarahwan. Mereka sama-sama mempunyai tugas seperti menghancurkan tembok tebal yang didalam tembok tersebut ada dinding tebal menghalangi. Artinya, penulis harus mampu mengungkap berjuta rahasia yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Milan Kundera (di L’Art duroman, 1986): “to write, means for the poet to crush the wall behind which some something that was always there hides”. Dalam hal ini, penyair dan sejarahwan sama-sama menemukan.

Critical Review

Change the World Through History
1.     Introduction
This paper tell about cleverness of Howard Zinn who has strong ideology. Howard Zinn is a truly historian that best known for his history of United State. He said that book could change mind of the reader even world. Therefore, He writes the book of history of Christopher Columbus in other perspective. But, the history that written by him is far away from history of Christopher Columbus that written by Samuel Elliot Morrison. Zinn likes competing reinforce of ideology with Morison. In his book, he described history of United State from the dark side history. He told that discovered American continent is not Christopher Columbus but Arawaks tribes. Because of they were leave at American continent more past than Christopher Columbus. As a brilliant historian, he able to influence many people of United State to believed him.

3rd Critical Review: The Younger Generations of America Holding Howard Zinn Readings to Fight Censorship

The Younger Generations of America Holding Howard Zinn Readings to Fight Censorship
Author: Astri Rahayu

This paper discussion critical review from Howard Zinn’s article was “Speaking Truth to Power with Books.” In spite of the advances of ultra conservative thoughts and deeds a breath of freedom and fresh air emerges from American colleges and universities. It really does show that many of the younger generations get it and are effectively challenging right wing forces of ignorance and control. In organizing a Howard Zinn read-in at Purdue University, students have cultivated what is described as an “imaginative and defiant response to the corporate attack on our students and our schools.”

Perjalanan Penulis yang Mendebarkan

Perjalanan Penulis yang Mendebarkan
Author: Astri Rahayu

Letih, lesu, lunglai. Mungkin sebagian besar orang akan beranggapan, itu adalah gejala anemia. Namun bagi saya, perasaan letih, lesu dan lunglai adalah pearsaan dan kondisi yang saya hadapi sekarang ssebagai seorang penulis. Perjalanan setiap minggu yang sangat mendebarkan, selalu banyak adegan-adegan yang menurut saya seperti terkena anemia.

Behind of Leading History

Critical Review 3

Behind of Leading History
(By : Evi Alfiah)

Howard Zinn is great American activist and historian who make many people motivated with his books.  The author of “Speaking Truth to Power with Books” had changed every people’s mind and people thinking to be a critical person with the article.  In the article’s “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”, Zinn gave understanding to the readers that do not easily believe in history that has been written, because it could be it is not the truth.  However, he never said hand over to make clear the history it is self.  It made the reader got new insight about the truth of history.  Moreover, his courage that reveals the historian purity through the story of Christopher Columbus is known as the hero or the discoverer of America Continent.  The historians that include are Harvard and Samuel Elliot Morison.


Critical Review 3

(Alfiniya Fitrotur Rakhmah)

This paper offers a critical insight on Howard Zinn’s article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”. Many kind and ways of the purpose to show the world by them such as skill, knowledge, arguments, greatness and other. Here, there is one figure that ever famous in the world from New York City, he is bravely person who can show his arguments to the world. Zinn is the nick name of this person, the son of fisherman can think as far as he got so that famous in the world with his arguments that he wrote in his book. One of his books there is can changed somebody’s life, also his book can give effect to the world.


Class Review 7

(Alfiniya Fitrotur Rakhmah)

            Kata sejrah masih menjadi idol topik sekarang ini, hampir satu bulan clu ini dijadikan bahan tulisan. Sejarah juga tidak dapt berdiri sendiri tanpa tokohnya (sejarahwan). Satu dari sejrahwan yang sempat menjadi tenar atau fenomenal di Amerika adalah Howard Zinn, Zinn juga merupakan clu untuk kritikal review minggu-minggu ini di kelas saya. Denagn pengalamn hidup Zinn yang saya dapatkan berharap kritikal review lebih bagus lagi.

Modal Seorang Kritikus

Class Review 7

Modal Seorang Kritikus
Sebuah cambukan keras bagi para Mahasiswa TBI_A dalam Mata Kuliah Writing and Comprehension yang masih jauh memenuhi apa yang diinginkan dosennya.  Semuanya tertunduk tanpa sepatah katapun.  Mererka tak ubahnya seperti lebah madu yang menyengat manusia dan akhirnya mati sendiri karenanya.  Begitupun dengan Mahasiswa TBI-A yang begitu semangatnya menyuntikkan tiap goresannya pada lembaran-lembaran kosong, tapi pada akhirnya tertunduk karena salah.  Ya, mereka salah membuat tugas critical review pada Mata Kuliah Writing and Comprehention 4 yang dilatih oleh Mr. Lala Bumela.

critcal review 3

Critical review 3
Name : Atiyah
Class : PBI A/4

The Truth of History
                        This paper show a critical perspective on Howard Zinn’s article entiled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books” that contain great history, but it lost some sense about truth history. An evidence truth from power of book that Howard Zinn wrote. It was responsibility by him, but it did not satisfy.

class review 7

Class review 7
Selasa, 18 maret 2014
Literasi, ideology selalu berhubungan dengan history
            Ketika kita berbicara tentang sejarah maka didalamnya tidak terlepas dari literasi, ideology dan arti sejarah tersebut. Sebelum membahas lebih dalam tentang hubungan history, literasi dan ideology saya akan membahas terlebih dahulu tentang Howard Zinn yang terkenal dengan bukunya yang berjudul A People’s History of the United States yang dimana didalamnya bahwa Zinn menegaskan Christopher Columbus bukanlah seorang pahlawan melainkan seorang pembunuh, penjahat yang kejam, dia bukanlah orang yang patut dibanggakan apalagi menyebutnya sebagai pahlawan. Itu adalah dalam artikelnya yang berjudul Speaking Truth to Power with Book.

7th Class Review: OBVIOUS FULL STOP

(by. Endah Jubaedah)
Sebuah penjelasan kadang tak selamanya mampu memberikan kejelasan karena ternyata sebuah definisi “jelas” bukan hanya sekedar bacaan atau argumen yang beragam namun jelas adlah ketepatan.  Seperti seorang sniper yang melepaskan pelurunya tepat di jantung serangan, tak melesat; tak ada pergerakan yang berubah (tetap) dan tepat.  Menulis pun demikian, ketika kita menulis, tuntutan kejelasan ini akan menuntun kita menjadi seorang penulis yang dibekali kejelasan untuk menulis. Jelas.  Titik.  Selain nilai positif untuk sang penulis, “jelas” juga mempermudah pembaca untuk memahami isi bacaan tentunya. 


(by. Endah Jubaedah)
Ø  Introduction
Why always Zinn? Why he usually to be a material things on our subject? I will start by the first step, the most interesting from Zinn.   What Zinn to do to world? Does it is true? What Zinn to do to the readers? What the effect from the article of Zinn? Why he unlike United States? How the way to embraced the people of Zinn?

Class Review 7 : Bencana


Sudah hampir setengah musim saya dan kawan – kawan saya bermain di Academic Writing.  Saya merasa tenaga saya sudah terkuras habis, kawan – kawan yang lain pun pasti merasakan hal yang sama.  Haus, saya kehausan, haus sekali.  Di pertengahan musim ini kami dilanda bencana, atau mungkin adzab.
Senin, 17 Maret 2014 Pertemuan ke – 7…

Howard Zinn: His Words Changed The World (Critical Review-3)

Howard Zinn: His Words Changed The World
This paper will present a critical perception on Howard Zinn’s article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”. Zinn conveyed one catchy point about the truth through the book is something could change the consciousness of people, I stated that is an interesting but problematic. The argument will be developed by emphasizing on ‘the responsibility of historian’, that collapse undertaken by Howard Zinn, one of the respected radical historian in the world.

Semakin Menjauh dan Curam

7th Class Review
Semakin Menjauh dan Curam
(By Erni Nuro)

            Perjalan kami kini semakin mengkhawatirkan. Perjalanan yang dipenuhi dengan penuh harap akan keberhasilan. Dimana akan ada penentuan serta catatan sejarah di pertengahan semester empat ini. Dengan kerja keras yang tiada henti, semoga dapat membantu kami menemukan sebuah keajaiban. Ya, kini penentuan hasil perjalanan kami akan segera dimulai.Di pertemuan kali masih membahas mengenai kesadaran menulis serta bagaimana sistem menulis itu yang benar.
Telah berulang berkali-kali, bahwa menulis itu banyak sekali manfaatnya. Salah satu tugas utama penulis adalah untuk mengungkap kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru. Semulya-mulyanya menulus adalah demi tercapainya kehdupan yang lebih baik bagi seisi dunia. Orang boleh saja menulis tanpatujuan, tetapi lazimnya orang menulis guna mencapai tujuan tertentu seperti memberi informasi, mencerahkan jiwa, mengabadikan sejarah, ekspresi diri, mengedepankan idealisme, mengemukakan opini dan teori serta dapat menghibur.

critical review 3

Howard Zinn: The Changer of American History

There is a speech stating that history is always written by the winners. I believed, this is a myth that until his death January 20th, Howard Zinn tried to break.  Of course, to break the truth is not easy; someone must have a lot of data and research clearly  in order when he/she want to publish their founds so that’s can be for cover someone if there are people did not disagreed with our statements. In this era there are many history that hidden by a people to get the benefit from these cases. So, why this case can be happen? What were our positions as the young generation to break the truth?

class review 7

Aturan Dalam Tulisan
Ketika seseorang ingin membuat suatu karya tulis, maka aturan-aturan yang ada dalam menulis itu harus benar-benar faham dengan hal yang bersifat kecil sekalipun. Seperti halnya Generic Structure yang menjadi sebuah aturan utama dalam sebuah tulisan karena sifatnya yang kompleks seperti menjadi pagar untuk memagari suatu alur dalam tulisan agar nantinya tercipta sebuah irama yang bagus dalam tulisan dan juga untuk menjaga tulisan itu agar tidak keluar dari garis jalan inti pokok dari sebuah tulisan yang seharusnya ditulis oleh si penulis tersebut. Namun sebenarnya seberapa pentingkah sebuah Generic Structure dalam sebuah karya tulis? Dan apa saja materi yang terkandung dalam Generic Structure ini?
Menurut Bpk. Lala Bumela ketika sekembalinya beliau  menjadi dosen pengampu mata kuliah writing and composition 4 di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon). Beliau mengatakan bahwa penggunaan Generic Structure dalam sebuah format academic writing itu merupakan harga mati yang harus digunakan jika seseorang itu menulis suatu tulisan. Hal ini sangat menarik mengingat dalam syllabus yang diberikan beliau kepada mahasiswanya mewajibkan penggunaan Generic Structure yang baik dan benar.

Critical review3

Howard Zinn
The brave historian taking risks
 (by Desi Diana)
This critical review discusses Howard Zinn book “A People’s History of the United States”.  I shall claim that while the book is make the people have perspective about Zinn exactly of American people because Howard Zinn write about evidence of the America, Cristopher Columbus. 
Zinn.  He is the brave historian taking risks because someone who dared to reveal the dark side of history.  Although there is a speech stating that history is always written by the winners, but for Zinn that it is a myth until Howard Zinn passed away on January 20, and Howard Zinn to try broke that statement.  He is very famous in America, because he a reveals history about Cristopher Columbus.  Howard Zinn has many masterpieces, as I know the masterpiece book of Howard Zinn is “A People’s History of the United States”.  The book explained about Cristopher Columbus.  Zinn, as a competent scholar does, Zinn began his revisionist look at Columbus by studying the primary evidence, namely Columbus's log, prepared during his voyage of discovery.  As with so much of history, we know little for sure.
He wrote a history textbook, A People's History of the United States, to provide other perspectives on American history. The textbook depicts the struggles of Native Americans against European and U.S. conquest and expansion, slaves against slavery, unionists and other workers against capitalists, women against patriarchy, and African-Americans for civil rights.  The book was a finalist for the National Book Award in 1981.   In the years since the first edition of A People's History was published in 1980, it has been used as an alternative to standard textbooks in many high school and college history courses, and it is one of the most widely known examples of critical pedagogy.  The New York Times Book Review stated in 2006 that the book "routinely sells more than 100,000 copies a year".
After the books which go out and circulate, in the reality a lot of people who frown in perspective Zinn.  Then many people around the world have a perspective about Zinn, because the content of the book describes America as predatory and repressive capitalist state, sexist, racist and imperialist that is run by a corporate ruling class for the benefit of the rich.  Zinn is historian the author of more than twenty books, Zinn is best known for writing A People’s History of the United States (1980).
Truly, Zinn the radical American historian died of a heart attack is attacked while he swimming.  He leaved a wife and a big name from a legendary book that he write “A People’s of the United States”.  The book that when it was first published in 1980 only sold four thousand copies, has sold out nearly two million copies and was represented five times.  The book claims to present American history through the eyes of the nation’s many victim groups, such as workers, American Indians, slaves, women, blacks, and populists.  The book of Zinn has sold more than a million copies, making it one of the best selling history books of all time.
On the other hand, In A People’s History Zinn’s projection of Marxist theory upon historical reality begins with Cristopher Columbus.  According to Zinn, Columbus and those explorers who followed him to the New World did so for essentially one overriding reason: financial gain.  “Behind the English invasion of North America, behind their massacre of Indians, their deception, their brutality, was that special powerful drive born in civilizations based on private profit,”Zinn asserted.
Zinn.  As a competent scholar does, Zinn began his revisionist look at Columbus by studying the primary evidence, namely Columbus's log, prepared during his voyage of discovery.  As with so much of history, we know little for sure.
For instance, Zinn did not really read the captain’s log.  He read a translation of a partial copy of the log that Bartolomé Las Casas made in the 1530s.  The original log was lost centuries ago.  Over the centuries there have been many portraits drawn of Columbus, and they all look different because nobody really knew what Columbus looked like.  He may have had no portrait made while alive.  Columbus's birthplace and year of birth have been enduring controversies.  The standard view is that Columbus was born in Genoa, part of today’s Italy, in around 1451, give or take a year, but there are arguments that Columbus was Spanish, Portuguese, Jewish, and several other European nationalities.  Debate has raged for centuries over where Columbus first landed in the New World.
However there is other evidence of the discovery of the American story As evidence that Columbus was the discoverer of the America , namely the presence of a 500 year old world maps, answering why the name permanently imprinted on the American continent found that Columbus , on Thursday ( 13/12 ) on display at the Library of Congress in Washington DC.  This map was made by a German, Martin Waldseemuller, in 1507.  Waldseemiiller who lived in the village of St Die , an area which is now in the province of Lorraine , France , the map was made a year after the death of Columbus has been mentioned clearly the America.  That should, the map says Continent Columbia , especially through the new year with the death of Columbus in Valladolid, Spain , May 20, 1506.  When the map Waldseemiiller made ​​of 500 copies , but only one that can last for more than five centuries.  Apparently , a German noble family for almost 400 hundred years to save the maps in the library in their castle.
So why can name that appears on the map America and not the name of Columbia? It is probable, Waldseemiiller create a map based on the information and explanation given Amerigo Vespucci, Columbus assistant.  In other words, Zinn did not get on the origin of the name American countries he just told the facts explained significantly less.
In conclusion, Howard Zinn has created many book histories.  He is brave historian taking risks although many controversy and perspective about his.  Zinn, as a competent scholar does, Zinn began his revisionist look at Columbus by studying the primary evidence, namely Columbus's log, prepared during his voyage of discovery.  As with so much of history, we know little for sure.  But Zinn keep brave to write about Columbus exactly history of the American people from the different point of view.  Zinn said,”something is wrong when historians consider their profession together with the cartographers but writing history is something really different
