3rd Critical Review: The Leverage of the Truth of a Historian: Howard Zinn

The Leverage of the Truth of a Historian:
Howard Zinn
(Author: Aneu Fuji Lestarie)
This paper offers a critical insight on Howard Zinn’s article entitled ‘Speaking Truth to Power with Books’.  In particular, he can changes people perspective about books powerful from his article and he has different perspective of historical with the other in his best known book ‘A People’s History of The United State’ about Christopher Columbus whom discoverer the America Continent.  After summarising Zinn main points, I shall be claiming that Zinn did not explicitly expressed about the American story and many of his claims are not based in absence of some of the references and footnotes, Zinn also ignoring that in American apparently perfect democracy.  In concluding, I shall show that book changes somebody’s life by changing somebody’s consciousness and we should learn and know about the truth history.  History of an event that we cannot forget, because of the absence of our history would not exist at the time as it is today.

According to Howard Zinn’s article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”, illuminate that a ‘book’ has a powerful effect which can influences them to aware and changes people’s life.  There are several basic points that Zinn wrote on his article, which gave us insight about book, history and Columbus.
First, book changes somebody’s life by changing somebody’s consciousness.  As Howard Zinn said to Alice Walker, “What do you think of that book?” She answered “This book changed my life.” That startled me. But I have heard that many, many times since. “This book changed my life.” So, yes, I think books can do that. And if a book changes somebody’s life by changing somebody’s consciousness, it is going to have an effect on the world, in one way or the other, sooner or later, in ways that you probably cannot trace.”
Second, Books operate in many ways to change people’s consciousness.  There are a number of ways in which books can change consciousness. First, introduce an idea that the reader never thought of before.  Second, told that some policy is in the “national interest,” that something must be done for “national security, “or “national defence”.  Then, give them fact which is the particular facts are important for somebody to know and there are other facts we are not going to tell you about, which are not important for you to know.  Zinn pondered about “facts, nothing but facts,” and came to the insight that there are no such things as pure facts unadorned by judgment.  Meanwhile, there are entire sets of data which people just had no idea about, and which, when they were revealed in a book, shocked readers into an important awareness.
Then, Zinn reveal the important thing of history and wrote about truth of America history that we believe finding of America Continent is Columbus in his famous book “A People’s History of the United States”.  Zinn wrote in his article that Columbus is not the hero, not the great discoverer, and not the pious Bible reader whom we ridiculously perceive.  Truly Columbus is a murderer, a torturer, a kidnapper, a mutilator of native people, a hypocrite, and a greedy man looking for gold, willing to kill people and mutilate people.  So, Zinn said that if we want to know and learn the history we must learn the facts about it may lead to a revolution in one’s thinking. When we learn about information that has been withheld from us, it may lead us to wonder what else has been withheld.
Main Body
The book is the crucial thing that can change the paradigm of a person and as a sign of human civilization.  The book consists of a collection of papers and writing, but the book is very useful and meaningful to our life. With a collection of papers that we can find various kinds of knowledge that can bring great changes to our survival.  Through books we can also know the awesomeness of a history, which is when we read a book we can make sense of curiosity towards history and develop and change a bad thing of history than bobby and can be used as an example in life.
Many people whose do not understand how important history. They did not even bother to care about what happened in the past. In fact, if we understand the importance of history will provide insight in understanding life in the future.  Directions step today, tomorrow and beyond turned out to be the impact of the long process of historical. How past is 'easy' uttered by many people, including those who only look at the past with one eye.
In other words, Mikko Lehtonen said in his book “The Cultural of Analysis Text” that literacy is a social activity by character. It can best be described as practices on which people draw in different reading situations. People have various kinds of reading skills, which they utilize in different ways in different areas of life. However, all forms of literacy include the ability to control different systems of symbols through which reality is represented to readers.
As soon as we ridiculously that Columbus as the hero who is discoverer of America Continent which Morison conceals the fact butcher this happened in the Indian Arawak although he did not lay about Columbus cruelty.  However, from Zinn’s book we know the truth story of Christopher Columbus.   We should know the truth history although many people wrote the wrong story.  Moreover, additionally Lehtonen said in his book ‘The Cultural of Analysis Text’ that “from the historical point of view the spread of literacy can also be thought to have had an impact on the changing conception of the human self. In oral cultures, the self is not necessarily conceived an entity, as in a literary culture”.
However, there are three points on Columbus that are neglected in Zinn’s article.   First, Zinn did not explicitly expressed about the American story, although he knew the entire story. He did not reveal the true discover of the Americas, he just dare to blaspheme Columbus and did not reveal who the real discover. This is because his ideology that he is a Jew.  So, he hides the actual discovers is Muslims.  That he was taking an ideological choice in the writing of history, the fact that it emphasizes the fact that he likes and skips the others. So what is the difference him with Morison? Zinn is actually nothing more than a boxer from a different ring. “If Morison wrote of glasses winner, Zinn was the mouthpiece of the losers” said Gde Dwitya.
The second, many of his claims are not based in absence of some of the references and footnotes. There are so many hard facts that he should give a note where he got it, but the info is absent. Zinn's just say at the end of his book that he told all based on the experience of teaching and of the books which he lists at the end of the page. Perhaps this is what makes it not been seriously considered in academic circles.
Likewise Rick Shenkman faults Zinn for ignoring that in our apparently perfect democracy it is "the people" who are responsible for enabling their leaders to get away with doing bad things in their name, and therefore "leftists" should "focus their ire on public opinion." He sees an "arch determinism" in A People's History, which frames "history as a battle between malevolent elites and darling ordinary people." Shenkman takes Zinn (and other "left-wingers") to task for failing "to extend the argument as they properly should have to include the responsibility of ordinary Americans for our friendship with Saddam [Hussein]" during the 1980s. Shenkman's rather strange critique slams Zinn for not holding "ordinary Americans" -- say, janitors and fast-food workers -- equally responsible for U.S. foreign policy as the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Even though there are weaknesses in his book, Zinn remains an inspirational writer who is to emphasize revolutionary movement, untiring activist and intellectual person. He was lucky enough to experience the rise and decline of the evil that has shattered the world for the last century.  Within a decade, he traversed from hopelessness to hope, as he witnessed the revolutionary awakening of people from all walks of life in many corners of the world.  Howard Zinn brings to Passionate Declarations the same astringent style and provocative point of view A People's History of the United States. He directs his critique here to what he calls “American orthodoxies” that set of beliefs guardians of American culture consider sacrosanct: justifications for war, cynicism about human nature and violence, pride in their economic system, certainty of their freedom of speech, romanticized of representative government, confidence in their system of justice. Those orthodoxies, he believes, have a chilling effect on our capacity to think independently and to become active citizens in the long struggle for peace and justice.
In conclusion, therefore here will be shared little information about the understanding of history.  In the history of humanity; writing is a much later acquisition than speaking. For Western citizens at the turn of the millennium, reading and writing seem the most natural activities in life, but thinking in global and historical terms they are anything but natural.  To sum up, there are two basic points that can be concluded from Zinn’s article.  First, we must exchange our perspective that book changes our life if we read and understand it.  Second, we should learn and know about the truth history, and then we will know about what happened in the past without receive the story by merely.  History is an excellent indicator of things to come.  Besides that, our knowledge will be increasing and changed our mind to be political ideology, so it is can be useful in our future life. Knowing history also provides a sense of empowerment to the learner. If a person studies her ancestry or personal history, this will provide them with a great deal of helpful information and may assist them in forming an identity of their own.
Zinn, Howard. 2009. Anthropology off the Shelf Anthropologists on Writing: “Speaking Truth to Power with Book”. UK: Blackwell.
Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. 1492-Present
Lehtonen, Mikko. 2000. Cultural Analysis of Texts.London: SAGE Publications


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