Zinn and The Powerful Book

In the article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”, Howard Zinn tells the very personal story of his experience as a literate and teacher.  He presents his story in the form of an article in which he shares his arguments and analysis as a historian, also how the book do for the world.  This paper offers a critical insight on Zinn’s story as well as his main arguments, and it will evaluate the quality of his writing and focus on any areas of weakness within his experience.  It is also trying to reveal the dark side of American’s history.

This sections contains a summary of the article “Speaking Truth to Power with Books”.  In his introduction, Zinn says that the most crucial issue of all with regard to writing, and its impact on the world.  Like a book which has a very powerful effect for changing our life.  He is persuaded about the importance of books simply by his experiences.
"Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."  That’s what Howard Zinn said about what he did and the powerful of book.  First, in his experience about the importance of books which have a powerful effect on his thinking.  There are people who have said that “This book changed my life.”  It means that book is able to change somebody’s consciousness and his life, so it is going to have an effect on the world, in one way or the other, sooner or later, in ways that we probably cannot trace.
Second, he said that books operate in many ways to change people’s consciousness. Let us just say there are a number of ways in which books can do it, for example, they can introduce an idea that the reader never thought of before.  We read Herman Melville, Billy Budd, and we are confronted with a situation where everybody obeys the law, everybody dutifully follows the rules.  The other idea that may occur to people, perhaps after reading a book, especially if they are reading unorthodox history.  It may struke us that we do not all have the same interest. 
Finally, because of book, it led him to consider that we are not one great family in this country, that the idea of ourselves as a nation cleverly conceals the struggle of clashing interest fof fear we might than enter that struggle knowing clearly who are our friends and who  are our enemies.  Then, there are many other examples in this article about the relationship between book and what the effect after read it.  We obey the rules and laws, know about something that we never know before, and rethink about a history.

As described above, Zinn’s main purpose for writing this article is to present and analyze the powerful of book.  He was persuaded by the importance of the book, not only from the readings, but also directly from his own experience.  Howard Zinn states in his article that the truth through the book is something that could change the consciousness of people, and it can change the world.  Awareness of reading, because when the sound produced or just speaking will quickly go away if we do not record the moments coupled with talk by remembering and writing, document it in sheets of paper and then put them together in a book.
He explains how the act of writing can be shattering the world. Through books produced writers, until finally read by many people and ultimately implies how these writings can change a person from their paradigm, to life.  Of course, books can change the world, but it change us first.  Orhan Pamuk, ”I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.”
Then, in his article,  Zinn mentions that there are several ways in which books can change the awareness:  First, they can introduce an idea that readers have never thought of before.  Perhaps after reading a book, especially if they read historical unconventional,
it could be going to attack us because each individual does not have the same interests.
Second, the existence of insights and informations derived from books, the existence of a set of data that is not owned by the people, and when they are revealed in a book, it will surprise readers and then it will turn into a very important realization.  Many people believe that they will know something when they did not know before with book. 
Third, In each book, there are some of the brightest minds affect the way of thinking in a particular society.  The book also implied how can history has diverse or different, how literature can tell us about the truth through a lie, or how science can rule out God.  But who would have thought, a book tucked behind a great strength. Because the great strength of the book, so it is a powerful instrument, tightly gripping, thrilling, and the power to change the direction of the events that are being or will be. So, the book is a light for human civilization.
            Finally, for the evaluation of the article, his literary style was direct, to the point, and elegant without being self-consciously so.  He taught his colleagues to write with lucidity and accessibility and to use a sturdy anecdote to illustrate the point.  But in this article, Unlike most academics, Zinn didn’t regard the time away from the library and away from the footnotes as time lost and gone. 
In addition, Zinn does not provide a clear explanation of what he discussed.  In the aticle, Zinn does not include a reference that can help readers find out more clear information.  Zinn said that he told only based on the experience, as in the fourth paragraph. Perhaps this is what makes it not been seriously considered in academic circles. He also less explicit to explain or give reference for reader to make it more clear.  Like one of his example about Cristopher Columbus.
He just mentioned that Christopher Columbus was a murderer, torturer, kidnapper, mutilator, hypocritical, greedy gold digger man, willing to kill humans and mutilated people.  Without giving out a concrete example, suppose that by inserting "what torture has been done by Columbus?" or "what is the underlying he said that Columbus is just a hypocritical, and greedy?" to strengthen the sentence. Or with a little explaining about Christopher Columbus as the following little quote "Christopher Columbus called America 'The New World' when they first set foot on the continent on October 21, 1492. However, for Muslims in the golden era, America is not a ' New World ' .
Therefore, 603 years before the Spanish explorers discovered the continent, Muslim explorers of West Africa has built a civilization in America. Western historical claim stating Columbus as the discoverer of the Americas finally broken. A series of historians found that Muslim explorers have set foot and spread Islam on the continent more than half a millennium before Columbus.
Another, perhaps by giving examples like this one quote "German historian, Alexander Von Wuthenan also provide evidence that Muslims were in America in 300-900 AD This means that Muslims already in America, at least half a century before Columbus was born. Evidence in the form of a human head-shaped wooden carvings similar to the Arabs expected chiseled 300 and 900 AD Some other wood carvings were photographed and examined, turns out to have similarities with the Egyptian people. "
Likewise it less obvious in his writing is the incorrect use of chronological order in mentioning several ways in which books can alter consciousness.  Because the first way he used the word "first" in the seventh paragraph, but he mention later how to use the words "This is another idea ..." in the ninth paragraph.  This may mislead the reader, the reader may think there is no continuation of the way he has mentioned.  So, he should pay attention it, because there were many cases like this one in his article.

There are several basic points that can be concluded from Zinn’s article.  The book is light on human civilization.  Reading books is basically dive into another world events, ie a world that is in the minds of others. While everyone has their respective worlds.  By reading the book we will explore the various worlds of other people who will give us a deeper wisdom of life in the face of knowledge that we learned after reading the book.
Speaking of history, the truth, everything can be turned on through the book.  As Zinn said that the book is able to change our life, even a nation.  Although the book is just a pile of sheets of paper lifeless.  However, its power is able to make us (the reader) will literate world in which we live.
Beside that, Zinn said that regardless of the value of these many lessons, history isn’t what happened, but the stories of what happened and the lessons these stories include. The very selection of which histories to teach in a society shapes our view of how what is came to be and, in turn what we understand as possible.  History is just one tool to shape our understanding of our world.  And every tool is a weapon if you hold it right. It means that we are as young generation have to get ability to see the truth of what history said.  So, it means that, history should be shown up clear and honestly.
Zinn, Howard.  Speaking Truth to Power with Books. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 



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