critcal review 3

Critical review 3
Name : Atiyah
Class : PBI A/4

The Truth of History
                        This paper show a critical perspective on Howard Zinn’s article entiled “Speaking Truth to Power with Books” that contain great history, but it lost some sense about truth history. An evidence truth from power of book that Howard Zinn wrote. It was responsibility by him, but it did not satisfy.

Howard Zinn is a renowned author of more than twenty books he has written, one of the legendary book is titled  “A People’s History of the United States”, a history which has been one of the people perceive and judge in the history of the discovery of the American continent, with his book a people history of the United States. Zinn managed to uncover the truth of truth in history. He has revealed that the first inventor of the American continent was Christopher Columbus, a hero who is known by the American public. Zinn has opened up the truth about the history of the Americas inventor. So, extraordinary courage makes him more powerful to write about the people should know truth of a history.
            Howard Zinn with a book of A People’s History of the United States, American people has opened the eyes of the readers and especially those Americans who have been deceived by false history, which is where Zinn explained that the first Inventor of the American continent already existed. And indeed some believe that is has been regarded as a hero is a big mistake. Zinn revealed in his book that Columbus is a villain, rapists, murderer, and so on. American initially resisted with statements he has written, but it is does not end there Zinn struggle to uncover the truth that had been wrong. As time goes by people, especially Americans believe the truths written by Howard Zinn, so until now the American people have been judging and knowing that Christopher Columbus is not a hero that had they considered heroes until there is a warning or Columbus Day celebration. Zinn also explained that the truth not always true.
            There are several basic points that Zinn wrote on Columbus, whom we ridicolusly perceive as the hero or the discoverer of America. When Columbus came until event that happen from that, those are:
            First, Zinn explained that the first inventor of the American continent before Columbus it was discovered by other nations. Zinn depiction about Columbus is a villain, rapists, murderers, and so on. His ideology that reveal of human history, even bad or good history it still be history that unforgotten.
            Second, the evidence Columbus trip to find that the Indian subcontinent during which the Indian has been known as a rich trade, Columbus go soiling in 1492 but not the Indian subcontinent are found.
            Third, truth should be known long ago due to lack of cultural literacy so that people do not know who should be known. Lack of literacy at that the time so that people’s don’t know the facts in the history of the United States. cultivate or get used to reading, writing in a group has not been created or does not exist so that no one dare to uncover the truth about of the history.  
            Forth, in book Zinn history mention many people pass way for about three million people in Karibia that describe by Zinn. Zinn explain it, because of Columbus cruelty and people poor such as, forced labor, attack and disease.
            In this article there is lost some of sense about the truth history and there is unfair something. So it will be show some of points on Columbus that are neglected in Zinn’s article.
First, Howard Zinn not revealing in the books A People’s History of the United States who the first inventor of the Americas is a Spanish Muslim in the year 889 AD, where they have two times on an expedition to America, the first in 999 AD by Ibnu Farrukh from Granada and the second by Al-Idrisi in 1100 AD. Before Columbus come in continent America the people Muslim more than find continent it. When the truth must be express than discoverer must be express distinct and truth not there engineer.
Second, in that book has its fault as many of the previous reviews point out. It is very leaning, it dose sometime omitted factual points that do not support its line of argument. It does sometimes verge on equating the misdeeds of American leaders with the horrific malevolence of the leaders of totalitarian states.
Third, it does romanticize its heroes. For all that, though this book is an excellent introduction to America Serikat history if read as a contrasting voice to more traditional narratives. Zinn should be not have wrote a Columbus that conqueror, murderer, and rapists of woman Arawaks, because is not good for reader to read about it. American initially resisted with statements he has written, but it is does not end there Zinn struggle to uncover the truth that had been wrong. Not all contemporary texts are this bloodlessly terrible, but many are, one of the best things about Zinn’s histories is that he leaves in the drama that the standard texts insist on draining out.
Forth, in book Zinn history he wrote he want young people to understand that ours is a beautiful country, but it has been taken over by men who have no respect for human rights or constitual liberties. The other problems of Zinn’s book are really political ones. He says near the end that the scarcity of resources is entirely due to elite control. Since Zinn does very little to explain how American have historically exploited resources.
Five, ideology in book Zinn explain that to form a prosperous society requires people who are excellent, in addressing the problems of political, social, economic, and problems concerned with history.  According to the encyclopedia Britanica of ideology is one of the systems that make up the mental and physical needs of individuals who form a community as well as covering the issue about, economic, political, social and something that is relevant to the history and human Sosiografi. according to Thomas’s H, ideology is a way to protect government power in order to survive and govern its people
            In the book A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn the truth revealed and nothing misunderstanding about is Christopher Columbus and we must know about history in our life. So in the fact history Columbus that is not hero to America but he is colonialist, very cruel, Killer and so on. This paper have already to show critical from Howard Zinn perspective. There are two basic conclude that taken y Zinn’s article. First, ideology Zinn view that evidence is a something which reveals truth about what he learn and what he get from his analyze. Second, Zinn give something that unknown by people, what he put on an evidence it has result about the positive value.
Zinn, Howard. 2009. Anthropology off the Shelf: Anthropologists on Writing. United Kingdom. Wiley-Blackwell



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