3rd Critical Review: The Younger Generations of America Holding Howard Zinn Readings to Fight Censorship

The Younger Generations of America Holding Howard Zinn Readings to Fight Censorship
Author: Astri Rahayu

This paper discussion critical review from Howard Zinn’s article was “Speaking Truth to Power with Books.” In spite of the advances of ultra conservative thoughts and deeds a breath of freedom and fresh air emerges from American colleges and universities. It really does show that many of the younger generations get it and are effectively challenging right wing forces of ignorance and control. In organizing a Howard Zinn read-in at Purdue University, students have cultivated what is described as an “imaginative and defiant response to the corporate attack on our students and our schools.”
There's a long tradition in America of people power, and no one has done more to document it than the historian, Howard Zinn. Listen to this paragraph from his most famous book. Quote: “If democracy were to be given any meaning, if it were to go beyond the limits of capitalism and nationalism, this would not come, if history were any guide, from the top. It would come through citizen's movements, educating, organizing, agitating, striking, boycotting, demonstrating, threatening those in power with disruption of the stability they needed.” This related to the literacy by Chaedar Alwasilah (2012:150) in his book "Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi". It’s explained that literacy is not only mental ability and literacy skills but also related to the social and political issues and it is related to the Howard Zinn's thoughts on political social real part of the literacy.
There are some critical reviews about “Speaking Truth to Power with Book”. The first, Howard declaration stating in his article "Speaking Truth to Power with Book" that the book was able change one's life, should we should seen in terms of the context as well. Whether the book was true fact or not?  While the second was that he was also taking an ideological choice in the writing of history, the fact that it emphasizes the fact that he likes and skips the others. So what's the difference Howard Zinn with Morison? Actually, Zinn nothing more than a boxer from a different ring if Morrison writes from the perspective of the winners, Zinn was the mouthpiece of the losers.

When I see the history of Columbus, I can get much information about from the craft hand from Howard Zinn. We could see that statement was “I am persuaded about the importance of books simply by my own experience” (Howard Zhin: 1982). Book is the history. This has give influences for every reader. The craft hand from his finger that down in the earth could make the reader will be someone has new paradigm about “Christopher Columbus”. This was the passage of Howard Zinn.
That’s my view; there is a speech stating that history is always written by the winners. I believe, this is a myth that until his death January 20, Howard Zinn tries to break. When we read a book and then the book can change our lives, maybe it's true. But in my view, if we read a book, we not only see the climax alone but we also have to see whether the entire context of the reading is true or not?  Is the book to provide information that is true or not? This course deals with the relationship of text, context, and the reader. As in the book “The Cultural Analysis of Text by Lehtonen (2000) explains that the relationship between text, context, and the reader in the formation of very closely related meanings. Though dependence, but the text, context, and readers are not identical and can’t be studied in the same way. While about Howard Zinn’s ideological choice in the writing of history, the fact that it emphasizes the fact that he likes and skips the others this connected with definition from Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1757-1836), he said that ideology was a collection of ideas or sciences about ideas.


This is harsh criticism of Samuel Elliot Morrison by Zinn at the Harvard historian who wrote the seminal book Christopher Columbus. That’s true, not the least Morison lying about atrocities Columbus. He even called the sailors have committed genocide on Indian Arawaks. However, Zinn wrote, the facts listed on one page later he is buried in hundreds of other pages that exalts the greatness of the sailors. The decision to better tell a heroism and neglect the fact of genocide suppression occurs in Arawaks Indians is not a technical requirement mapmaker style, but purely ideological choice. An ideological choice to justify what has happened, concluded Zinn.
If Morison is a politician and not a scholar, this ideological choice would not be so serious. But precisely because of this fact is told by an intellectual, so the implication is so deadly. We are taught as a moral imperative that sacrifice, even so inhumane, it is necessary for progress. Morison said calmly as if that really was a massacre on ethnic Arawaks, but little fact was not comparable to the service and heroism of Columbus for us. Sense is then reproduced in the classroom teaching of history, and the student handbook.
Departing from the disapproval then Zinn wrote different versions of history; history from the point of view of those lost, aka the loser. Be it tells the story of the discovery of America from the perspective of the Indians Arawaks, of the Civil War as experienced by the Irish in New York, about the first World War seen from the Socialist party, and of the conquest of the Philippines by black soldiers on Luzon.
The weaknesses character that Zinn was a legend for young radicals. Mentioned his name, I tend pair with Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, and maybe my professor, John Raines from Temple University and to cite row critic, often looks like a grumpy handyman, who ironically from the global north. But instead he is without shortcomings. I have one less thing I love about writing styles Zinn: absence of some references and footnotes.
 There are so many hard facts that he should give a note where he got it, but the info is absent. Zinn's just say at the end of his book that he told all based on the experience of teaching and of the books which he lists at the end of the page. Perhaps this is what makes it not been seriously considered in academic circles.
But, the strengths in this paper are the first; he was honest in expressing her partiality. Zinn definitely not as naive they were talking about objectivity in the narrative. He siding, and warns the reader from the outset of his position. The first chapter of the book is very confessional and on page 11 of 729 pages the People's History, he wrote that:
 If history is to be creative, to anticipate a possible future without denying the past, it should, I believe, emphasize new possibilities by disclosing those hidden episodes of the past when, even if in brief flashes, people showed their ability to resist, to join together, occasionally to win. I am supposing, or perhaps only hoping, that our future may be found in the past’s fugitive moments of compassion rather than in its solid centuries of warfare. That, being as blunt as I can, is my approach to the history of the United States. The reader may as well know that before going on.”
This is the second thing to note from a Howard Zinn: he refused consequences emphatic definition Andersonian nation! Nation is not and does not even ever be a community.

Finally, I hold the article entitled “Speaking Truth to Power with Book”, if widely read and taken seriously, would subvert certain values ​​that apply globally as well as the institutions that make up these values. Between values, goals, prevision, desired results, events and actions, as well as with regard to these matters are matters relating to takeovers and power usage. The power as a perversion of the truth or facts. “Power” suggests a process by which the people will participate in making decisions for themselves or someone else and binding them to abide even by force if necessary (Lasswell and Kaplan 1950:75).
In my view that also, even more influential in the long run than Howard's anti-war writings and actions was his enduring masterpiece, A People's History of the United States, a book that literally changed the consciousness of a generation. Here he developed with care, lucidity, and comprehensive sweep his fundamental message about the crucial role of the people who remain unknown in carrying forward the endless struggle for peace and justice, and about the victims of the systems of power that create their own versions of history and seek to impose it. Later, his "Voices" from the People's History, now an acclaimed theatrical and television production, has brought to many the actual words of those forgotten or ignored people who have played such a valuable role in creating a better world.
A People's History of the United States began with a retelling of the first meeting of indigenous peoples in the Caribbean by Christopher Columbus expedition. About Zinn's view of the first meeting was very different from the traditional account of the popular historical figure, where Columbus described as, enlightened peaceful explorers who, after "finding" he was in a new land, made friends with the natives. Drawing from Columbus's own journal and other writings of contemporaries, Columbus as agents of conquest exposes the lust for gold and other resources that also have the desire to torture and killed others to achieve these goals.
This is the main point of this paper that Zinn on History of society deviate from what was preceded it. Zinn went on to state that much of what was presented to the students as "history" in the past was in fact prepared agenda focused on maintaining the strength of the social elite. Columbus and his motivation is the first clash of values ​​that occurred in the New World. In his writings, Columbus noticed that the population of the Bahamas peaceful, accommodating and did not have the elements organized to defend themselves. In the mind of Columbus, these factors made native people ripe was conquered by Spain and other European countries.
We can see, for example Howard was brave to present the mistake from the history of Columbus. He was explained that the Columbus was wrote the wrong history. Christopher Columbus not super hero!  But Killer and he did rape before he travelled to America Continent. Many things that Dr.Zinn was explained in his book “The peoples of the United States”, indeed there was parents from a student in USA send letter to Dr.Zinn that he was communism because Howard Zinn could gave negative effect for their children. Howard Zinn also gave some provocation to him students in University of Boston for changed and fighting to the chief in the university.
So, Howard's writings and his prominent presence in protest and direct resistance were a major factor in civilizing much of the country. Howard's dedicated activism continued, literally without a break, until the very end, even in his last years, when he was suffering from severe infirmity and personal loss, though one would hardly know it when meeting him or watching him speaking tirelessly to captivated audiences all over the country. According to Chaedar Al-Wasilah (2012) in his book “Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi” said that Literacy is a reflection of the mastery and appreciation of culture. Reading and writing are always present in the culture system (beliefs, attitudes, ways, and purpose of culture).
Whenever there was a struggle for peace and justice, Howard was there, on the front lines, unflagging in his enthusiasm, and inspiring in his integrity, engagement, eloquence and insight, light touch of humor in the face of adversity, dedication to non-violence, and sheer decency. It is hard even to imagine how many young people's lives were touched, and how deeply, by his achievements, both in his work and his life. While Zinn's A People's History of the United States was an important text for understanding the history of underrepresented populations; the fight for the right to teach this history is never separate from the fight to improve the material lives of students, teachers, minorities and workers around the world.
Finally, to be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places and there are so many where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction and if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.

Alwasilah, A Chaedar. 2012. Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi. Bandung: UPI.
Lehtonen, Mikko. 2000. The Cultural Analysis of Texts. London: SAGE Publications.
Howard Zinn. Speaking Truth to Power with Book.


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